Thomas Caron是上海莎士比亚的创办者和总负责人。
Caron先生专业从事戏剧工作五十五余年,表演遍布洛杉矶、纽约、英国和中国的各大舞台。他曾扮演过《哈姆雷特》、《李尔王》、《麦克白》、《雅典的泰门》、《理查德二 世》、《约翰王》、《愤世嫉俗》等剧中担任主角。他还曾扮演过《冬天的故事》中的里奥特斯,《凯撒大帝》中的凯修,《以牙还牙》中的安吉罗,《暴风雨》中 的普洛斯拍罗,《海鸥》中的康斯坦丁,和其他众多的经典的当代人物。2009年四月在上海戏剧学院他扮演了东西剧院塞缪尔·贝克特的作品《等待戈多》其中的一个角色菲拉德。 2009年10月在中西剧院上演的易仆生的《建筑师》中,他担任主角。
Caron先生曾经跟随顶级教授学习表演艺术,还曾受教于很多大剧院的老师,如:Sanford Meisner,Harold Clurman,和Robert Lewis。
1988年—2000年,他曾是戏剧公司的艺术总监,指导艺术团在曼哈顿Riverside公园进行室外演出。2002年,他成立了马萨诸塞州Town Cow戏剧公司 。
2008年—2018年,Caron 先生曾经担任儿童合作园的艺术总监,儿童合作园是上海戏剧学院创办的一个儿童英语剧院。
2010 年3月在Shanghai Repertory Theater 剧团创作的<李尔王>中, Caron担任主角。 2011年,他导演了他们作品中的《第十二夜》 和萨缪尔·贝克特的《大灾难》 (“Catastrophe”)。
作为“儿童合作园”英语戏剧部的导演和艺术总监,Caron先生导演了十多部有注明剧本改编的戏剧,包括莎士比亚的“伯利克里斯”和“马克白”,“彼得 潘”, Karel Copek的“R.U.R”和William Saroyan的 “洞穴居民”和“树上的斯韦尼”。另外还包括全版的莎剧“冬天的故事”,Mary Chase的“哈维”,以及法国剧作家Jean Cocteau的“奥菲斯”的英文版。
2022年,他荣幸地受邀成为备受尊敬的“表演者“(The Players)俱乐部的一员,该演员俱乐部由埃德温·布斯于1888年建立。
Thomas Caron is the founder and director of Shanghai Shakespeare.
Mr. Caron's career extends over fifty-five years, on stages from Los Angeles to New York to Great Britain to China. He has performed the title roles of "Hamlet," "Macbeth," "King Lear," "Timon of Athens," "Richard the Second," "King John," and "The Misanthrope," as well as Leontes in "The Winter's Tale," Cassius in "Julius Caesar," Angelo in "Measure for Measure," Prospero in "The Tempest," Constantine in "The Seagull," The Cardinal in Jean Cocteau's "Bacchus," M in Samuel Beckett's "Play," and many other classical and contemporary characters. In April 2009 he played the part of Vladimir in East West Theater's production of Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot," at Shanghai Theatre Academy. In October 2009 he performed the title role in East West Theater’s presentation of Henrik Ibsen’s “The Master Builder.”
Mr. Caron received his training from the legendary teachers that issued from the Group Theatre: Sanford Meisner, Harold Clurman, and Robert Lewis.
From 1988 to 2000 he was the artistic director of the Theater Company, a troupe that performed outdoors in Manhattan's Riverside Park. In 2002 he founded the Town Cow Theater Company of Concord, Massachusetts.
From 2008 to 2018, Mr. Caron was the Artistic Director of Shanghai Theater Academy's He Zuo Yan Children's English Theater.
In March 2010 he appeared in the title role of Shanghai Repertory Theater’s production of “King Lear.” In 2011 he directed their productions of “Twelfth Night” and Samuel Beckett’s “Catastrophe.”
As Director of the Children’s Cooperation Center’s English Drama Program, he has directed dozens of adaptations of well-known plays, among them Shakespeare’s “Pericles” and “Macbeth,” “Peter Pan,” Karel Copek’s “R.U.R.” and William Saroyan’s “The Cave Dwellers” and “Sweeney in the Trees,” as well as full-length versions of Shakespeare’s “The Winter’s Tale,” “Harvey,” by Mary Chase, and a new English translation of Jean Cocteau’s “Orpheus.”
As the Artistic Director of Shanghai Shakespeare, he has directed Chinese productions of “Antony and Cleopatra,” “Pericles,” and “Troilus and Cressida.” In addition, he has directed new Chinese translations of four short plays by Samuel Beckett, the only productions of Beckett’s plays performing in China to have been authorized by the Beckett estate.
In 2022 he had the honor of being invited to join the Players, the esteemed club for actors founded in 1888 by Edwin Booth.